Septic & Sewer Repair – Langley Septic Repair. If you live in Langley BC and you are have Seasonal Septic Issues. Call your Totally Canadian Local Septic Repair Expert. It is common during heavy rainy season if you have a septic system that it can start doing a few of the following things. How Do I Fix Sewer & Septic Back up?
Does sewage back up into your house? Is there a wet, smelly spot in your yard that is difficult to mow? Is your septic tank piped to a road ditch, storm sewer, or stream, or even a bayou? If you anwsered yes to any of these questions, your septic system is failing. It is not treating the sewage in a safe, sanitary manner.
In a properly operating septic system, the solid material in the sewage is settled out in a septic tank and stored until removed by pumping. The effluent from the tank is still sewage; it has a strong order and is high in disease-causing organisms. This effluent is treated and absorbed in soil absorption (or leach) field.
No matter what the cause , septic system failure is a nuisance and a health hazard that should be corrected promptly. Failures can result in pollution of wells, lakes and streams. Some of the more common reasons for septic system failure are discussed here. These failures can be attributed to several causes.
Reasons Why Septic Systems Fail
- Using too much water
- Improper design and construction
- lack of Maintenance
- Corrective Actions
When A System Fails
Do not place more soil over a surfacing soil absorption field; this does not fix the system and it will soon surface again.
Do not just pipe the sewage to a road ditch, storm sewer, stream or bayou, this pollutes the water and creates a health hazard.
Do not run the sewage into a sink hole or drainage well; this pollutes the groundwater.
Do not wait for the system to fail before pumping the septic tank. Once a system fails, it is usually too late to pump the tank.
Call your Canadian owned company for a sewer failure diagnoses.
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